I recently had the opportunity to visit the beautiful country of Germany this summer. I enjoyed the various road signs and found them more visually pleasing and informative than the road signs we have here in Canada. So I decided to draw my own set of icons for use with Macintosh folders.
As a bonus I have included "Der Grüne Punkt" icon, which literally translated means "The Green Dot". This is the European Recycling logo that appears on many different recyclable packages.
gravel shoulder
kein Durchfahrt (no entry)
no passing
no passing zone ended
parking verboten (no parking)
pedestrian crosswalk
road sign
speed limit
speed limit ended
straight ahead
trucks may not pass
trucks may resume passing
Bonus Icon:
der Grüne Punkt ("The Green Dot": this is the Euro-recycling Logo)
der Grüne Punkt Folder
These German Roadsign Icons are free, use them any way you wish. If you do use them I would love to hear some feedback. I created these almost entirely from memory. I have also spent a lot of time anti-aliasing these icons by hand, and making sure they excellent in 256, 16 and 2 colors (b&w). They also look great when they are selected in the Finder (whereas many other icons do not).
Please send me email with your comments or even better, send me a postcard.